515th Air Mobility Operations Wing, JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI


MSgt Brandon K. Baimbridge, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickham, HI, has won the AMC Director of Safety as well as the Air Force Chief of Safety Aviation Maintenance Safety Award for 2020.

Among his accomplishments, Baimbridge was a first responder to an aircraft collision. He secured the scene, assisted the pilots from the cockpit, and diverted other aircraft. His actions saved $2 million in WWII aircraft.

When COVID-19 struck, he helped lead the Indo-Pacific’s first Transportation Isolation System movement for the disease. For his actions in leading a maintenance team, identifying and repairing an engine computer stall to airlift three patients, Baimbridge earned the Wing’s Maintenance Professional of the Year recognition.

His ability to respond to danger was evident in his actions in coordinating a C-5 ground emergency spill response. He led an eight-member team in towing aircraft off an active taxiway and restored airfield operations in 45 minutes. Baimbridge was the first on the scene to a copilot with a head wound and provided aid and shock treatment while directing the emergency medical technician (EMT) response. For this, he was lauded by the 715th Air Mobility Operations Group Commander.

Baimbridge has prevented many mishaps. He detected an electrical fire in a historic facility, cut the electrical power, evacuated personnel, and directed the fire department responders. His actions saved 25 personnel and a $48 million hangar.

Baimbridge’s accomplishments extend to the classroom, where he aced a 40-hour FAA Inspection Authorization Renewal Course, a rare qualification for an Air Force member. He also formed a team and developed four Professional Development Seminars for 138 members.