96th Airlift Squadron, Minneapolis ARS, MN
65 Years • 225,640 Hours
2,090 FY21 Mishap-Free Flying Hours
65 Years Since Last Class A or B Mishap: November 3, 1955
7,500 HOURS
164 AW, Memphis, TN
CMSgt Kenneth MacFeggan
MSgt Donald Russum
349 OG, Travis AFB, CA
SMSgt Stephen Burke
6,500 HOURS
79 ARS, Travis AFB, CA
SMSgt Jefrey Burnaman
MSgt Christy Jefreys
MSgt Douglas Lewis
96 AS, Minneapolis-St. Paul ARS, MN
Lt Col Kenneth C. Rogers
CMSgt William D. Rudgers
SMSgt Shannon R. Moerke
164 AW, Memphis, TN
Maj James Taylor
MSgt Deanne Davis
301 AS, Travis AFB, CA
Lt Col Jason Biggs
349 OG, Travis AFB, CA
Lt Col Jill Sliger
5,000 HOURS
79 ARS, Travis AFB, CA
Lt Col Nicholas Bollum
Lt Col Dean Hudson
Maj Ryan Kindseth
SMSgt Michael Parks
MSgt Jesse Farley
96 AS, Minneapolis-St. Paul ARS, MN
Col Timothy W. Wollmuth
Maj Andrew L. Thomas
Maj Chad M. Versteeg
SMSgt Brian K. Goebel
164 AW, Memphis, TN
SMSgt Brian McDonald
5,000 HOURS Cont.
179 AW, Mansfield, OH
Lt Col Steve Shilliday
Major Dan Brown
301 AS, Travis AFB, CA
Lt Col Troy Ogle
Maj Shane Evans
CMSgt Jennifer Pope
MSgt Steven Chick
349 OG, Travis AFB, CA
Col Scott Meyer
3,500 HOURS
96 AS, Minneapolis-St. Paul ARS, MN
Col Christopher E. Sedlacek
Lt Col Ethan E. Bryant
Lt Col Bryan W. Granger
Lt Col Joel A. Loomis
Maj Kevin A. Eklund
Maj Michelle L. Furcron
Maj Lee D. Place
SMSgt Dean W. Grothem
MSgt Austin K. Kleinschmidt
MSgt Nathan J. Raab
164 AW, Memphis, TN
Col Matthew Brancato
Col Brandon Evans
Lt Col Sean Gildea
Lt Col Garrett Gilmore
Lt Col Cynthia Higgins
Lt Col Craig Kinkade
Lt Col Joseph Lindsley
Lt Col Matthew Murphy
Lt Col James Pearce
Lt Col Jeremy Tutor
Lt Col Zachary Young
Maj Keith Ashford
Maj Joshua Daugs
Maj Cory Dewaters
Maj William Hodge
Maj Chad Kennedy
Maj Alexander Lammi
Maj Justin Mackey
Maj Russell McNab
Maj Cole Merrick
Maj Justin Robinson
Maj Brandon Toms
SMSgt Jefrey Brown
SMSgt Jason Gonzales
MSgt Paul Garner
MSgt Stephen Gast
MSgt Robert Kinsley
MSgt Timothy Peck
MSgt Brett Regel
MSgt Kyle Walker
3,500 HOURS Cont.
179 AW, Mansfield, OH
MSgt Shawn Cavanaugh
2,500 HOURS
96 AS, Minneapolis-St. Paul ARS, MN
Lt Col Joseph T. Quillin
Capt Maxwell T. Gillmer
Capt Justin M. Gort
Capt Theodore A. Persing
MSgt Kelly M. Engel
164 AW, Memphis, TN
Lt Col John Vaughan
Maj Matthew Cooley
Maj Eric Greene
Maj Donald Lindberg
Maj Susan McDonald
Maj George McMillen
Maj Lee Wilson
Capt Billy McCann
Capt Brandon McCormick
Capt John McCormick
Capt Jody Sullins
MSgt Marcus Rountree
MSgt Jacob Simmons
MSgt John Voss
TSgt Dustin Carmack
TSgt John Reibel
179 AW, Mansfield, OH
Major David Stephens
CMSgt Daniel Brake
MSgt Jerod Indorf
MSgt William Klotzbach
MSgt Brendyn Slapnicker
TO SUBMIT MISHAP-FREE FLYING HOUR MILESTONES: Send your request to [email protected] HQ AMC/SEE, 618.229.0927 (DSN 779)
Please submit as shown in the listings above (first name, last name, sorted alphabetically within rank).