Airman’s Creed Celebrates Fifteenth Anniversary


I am an American Airman. I am a Warrior. I have answered my nation’s call.
I am an American Airman.
My mission is to fly, fight, and win.
I am faithful to a proud heritage,
A tradition of honor,
And a legacy of valor.

I am an American Airman.
Guardian of freedom and justice,
My nation’s sword and shield,
Its sentry and avenger.
I defend my country with my life.

I am an American Airman.
Wingman, leader, warrior.
I will never leave an Airman behind,
I will never falter,
And I will not fail.

The Airman’s Creed was introduced on April 18, 2007, by former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen T. Michael Moseley to “reinvigorate the warrior ethos in every Airman of our Total Force.” It is more than a set of words—it is a set of guiding principles to uplift those who serve in the U.S. Air Force and thrust them toward victory. It also serves as a promise to the United States, and all Air Force members are expected to learn and live the creed to carry out that promise.

Moseley explained that it was a collaborative effort that involved feedback from Airmen throughout the Air Force and was designed to resonate with Airmen past, present, and future. He said it is “about our people and an Air Force that is fundamentally different from any other service.” The Airman’s Creed replaced the Noncommissioned Officer Creed, the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Creed, the Chief’s Creed, and the First Sergeant’s Creed. It acts as an airway beacon—a shining light for Air Force members.

As its 15-year anniversary is celebrated, it is important to remember that the Airman’s Creed was released on a date that recognizes another important milestone. In 2007, Moseley declared, “it’s not entirely out of coincidence that we’re debuting the creed on the 65th anniversary of the Doolittle Raiders’ heroic strike at the heart of Imperial Japan in 1942. Like many Airmen of the past, the Raiders exemplified our warfighting spirit, and remain an inspiration to us all.”

Airmen are willing to pay the ultimate price for country and countrymen, and our creed holds significance to the hundreds of thousands of active duty, Reserve, Guard, civilians, and supporters that comprise the Total Air Force. The Airman’s Creed also holds deep significance to many who have never served in the military. On Oct. 7, 2001, President George W. Bush, in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, addressed the nation regarding military strikes against al-Qaida, and a portion of his speech went on to inspire the last lines of the Airman’s Creed: “We will not waiver, we will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail. Peace and freedom will prevail.”1 The last stanza is a message to the world that the U.S. Air Force is ready to protect and bring the fight to those who threaten the American way of life.

1 documents/Airmans_Creed_(20Jul15).pdf?ver=2020-07-12-114801-580