AIR MOBILITY COMMAND WELL DONE AWARD Presented to the 60th Air Mobility Wing Civilian Fly-In Event Staff Travis Air Force Base, CA


On August 26, 2023, a dedicated team of professionals distinguished themselves by outstanding achievement when flawlessly executing the Travis Air Force Base (TAFB), CA, Mid-Air Collision Avoidance (MACA) Civilian Fly-In and Safety Seminar. The team also went out of its way to inform Northern California airfields of expected increases in general aviation traffic while generating a public affairs engagement strategy to advertise and cover the event. Furthermore, outreach allowed the Wing Safety Office to partner with the Federal Aviation Administration’s Safety Team at the San Francisco Flight Standards District Office to certify the fly-in as a continuation training event. The event staff exceeded their goal of creating a community outreach event that could provide real-world MACA practice for all conditions and phases of flight—they galvanized the sustained vigilance needed to execute in fluid operating environments. Consequently, the event revealed to TAFB operators the value of anticipating congestion or abnormal activity, the limits of one’s vision when task-saturated and responding to dynamic airborne threats, and the reality of increased air traffic density and closing speeds—especially with unmanned systems proliferating global airspace. The fly-in also succeeded because its staff sought to create a concrete learning experience that could demonstrate how MACA assures the mission and mitigates a top cause of fatal general aviation accidents.