AMC Occupational Safety Civilian of The Year, Jonathan M. Murphy, 22d Air Refueling Wing, McConnell Air Force Base, KS


Jonathan M. Murphy, Occupational Safety Manager of the 22d Air Refueling Wing, McConnell Air Force Base, KS, innovated risk mitigation practices, ensured zero mishaps, and accelerated Agile Combat Employment initiatives supporting the Air Mobility Command Commander’s top priority as the risk manager for the Wing’s EXPLODEO exercise.

Murphy enhanced strategic decision-making for senior leaders and secured approval for the Air Force’s (AF) KC-46 Nuclear Operational Readiness Exercise by executing comprehensive risk assessments for thirty-four events.

While overseeing KC-46 alert takeoff times, Murphy guided the development team that manufactured and tested a remote start system expected to reduce alert response times by up to twenty-five percent.

Murphy supervised the creation of the AF’s first 3D-printed playground inspection kit, earning accolades from the Air Force Safety Center as an innovation that will conserve $88.5 thousand and six hundred work hours annually. He directed inspections of nine playgrounds, identifying and correcting three previously unknown entrapment hazards to safeguard over five hundred children.